Pissouriana Restaurant & Apts i Pissouri

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernPissouriana Restaurant & Apts



🕗 åbningstider

Paleou Sholiou, 4607, Pissouri, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 221027
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Latitude: 34.6694788, Longitude: 32.702064

kommentar 5

  • Philip Mortimer

    Philip Mortimer


    Superb place. Loved it every single time we visited during a recent holiday. Very attentive and friendly bar staff. Wonderful views and a nice pool. The Full English was a genuine delight. We will be back as soon as we can. Thank you Pissouriana!

  • Roman K

    Roman K


    Nice atmosphere Delicious food and tasty drinks

  • Leshem Brosh

    Leshem Brosh


    Cute little family owned B&B, with great views to the ocean, nice pool and good food. The staff is super friendly and helpful. Rooms are very clean, amenities are a bit old.

  • philip mccowan

    philip mccowan


    This was a great place for food or a drink. It has the best English breakfast in pissouri. We didn't stay here but we use it for great meals or a drink. It also has a beautiful pool and views around the area. We will be using it again next year. efkharisto

  • Mark Blumenthal

    Mark Blumenthal


    Great friendly service, huge portions of tasty quality food, interesting choice menu, location with a view! Highly recommended!

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