Marios Snack Bar i Tala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernMarios Snack Bar



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2, Γρίβα Διγενή, 8577, Tala, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 26 653341
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Latitude: 34.8364256, Longitude: 32.4303503

kommentar 5

  • Sára Kadlecová

    Sára Kadlecová


    Really Good drinks and Big selection of draft beer

  • Julie Durkin

    Julie Durkin


    What a fantastic little place this is. Service great and staff was friendly. If you want food I recommend a bacon sandwich.

  • Julie Reed

    Julie Reed


    Friendly pub, bar snacks freshly made, nothing over €5 and cheap beer. Convivial and cheery.

  • Balazs Barna

    Balazs Barna


    The staff was nice and helpful, selection of beers and spirits is really good. But when asked a waiter opinion on the food, he told us everything is made freshly, however the meat in the hamburger was a small and a deep-frozen kind of one. The soup of the day were an instant soup. But based on the prices we should suspect this. Anyway the taste was okey and we had a good time there!

  • Adam Yould

    Adam Yould


    Great bar with cheap beer, what's not to love? Really friendly staff, you'll be well looked after.

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