Domino's Pizza i Paphos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernDomino's Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

37, Alexandrou Papagou Avenue, 8027, Paphos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 77 778558
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7739391, Longitude: 32.4352686

kommentar 5

  • Kyriakos Zacharias

    Kyriakos Zacharias


    Horrible service. Ordered online at 19:08 with a note that the delivery will take 60 minutes, then called at 20:13 only to be informed that the time was increased to 75 minutes, then asked to be called back only to be called at 20:25 to be informed of the option to go for a pick-up. Then I asked to cancel the order. Then... At 21:35 I get a call that a driver is outside waiting to deliver my order. The worst thing is that they do not even offer a phone service. You get charged really much only to call them. This should be illegal and Consumer service must do something about it.

  • Anna Hbc

    Anna Hbc


    The best 🍕🍕 ever 🔥 Delicious every time, special offers all the year 🍕🔥❤️

  • Valentin Osolos

    Valentin Osolos


    We all know domino's already...but this guys here are really fast, nice and attentive. Good experience and have also closed by a minimarket to help you in case u want to buy extra things while wait for pizza

  • Eva Ieridou

    Eva Ieridou


    The pizza is juicy and delicious! Tried with different toppings and sizes, highly recommended to add Philadelphia on your crust 👌🏽 The time of delivery can be improved.

  • Lina Cyprus lifestyle

    Lina Cyprus lifestyle


    It’s my only one loved pizza place in Pafos . Food so tasty and fresh . Not oily , that pizza speak for itself . U stay there and see how your order cooked . U see how busy they are , it’s means they best !

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