Pizzeria Caliano i Paphos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernPizzeria Caliano



🕗 åbningstider

57, Nikolaou I. Nikolaidi Avenue, 8021, Paphos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 77 777011
internet side: www.pizzapaphos.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7809137, Longitude: 32.4340026

kommentar 5

  • Eyad Alammarin

    Eyad Alammarin


    Klino Pizza, the first original taste of pizza in Cyprus, the taste of Italian pizza

  • Cristina Raducanu

    Cristina Raducanu


    Very very rude people! I call to order pizza from them delivered and they speak to me very very rude after I complained about the Way they speak one man call back and he said I’m the general manager don’t call again! Is not the first time last week I order one pizza and after One hour they send it black to me and they did not change it I paid from it ! So if u don’t want what to have a bad day don’t call!

  • Carol Lang

    Carol Lang


    First time we ordered and only one word, superb! Arrived on time and found our address with no problems, pizzas were delicious and the chips, definitely going to order again, good food at a good price!

  • Constantinos Gakopoulos

    Constantinos Gakopoulos


    We. Are all the way from Larnaca for this. The most amazing pizza we’ve ever experienced in Cyprus. It was the best food trip

  • Giorgos Kouvaros

    Giorgos Kouvaros


    Delicious pizza. Friendly staff. The place does not have a view of the sea.

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