M1 FISH TAVERN (o sotiris sas) i Episkopi

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CypernM1 FISH TAVERN (o sotiris sas)



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B6, Episkopi, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 932746
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 34.665353, Longitude: 32.904122

kommentar 5

  • Yulia M.

    Yulia M.


    I put 5 for the authenticity and freshness of the food. If you want a straight classic Cypriot fish tavern, there is a loud Greek speech around, then you are here. If you don't like it, then at least 4 for the freshness of the products., minus for the batter, no menu.

  • Martin Peake

    Martin Peake


    Family owned, full of locals. You choose the fish you will be eating! Don't be precious, sit back and enjoy the experience. Amazing food.

  • Lukas Kovacik

    Lukas Kovacik


    The place was a bit empty when we arrived for dinner. The food was excellent, home made apetizers, fresh fish, all very tasty. The service was also very good, the son of the owner entertained us the whole night. Recommended.

  • Zhanna Gurvich

    Zhanna Gurvich


    Absolutely delicious food! The owners are really friendly. It's a family business with fresh, locally sourced food. Fish is whatever the day's catch is. You choose from the case. Veggies are the days selection of cultivated and foraged goodies. We had fresh artichokes, marinated mushrooms and cardamon greens, delicious lemony hummus and taramas, and a huge, grilled fish from the grouper family in a lemon tarragon sauce. Wine list looked good too but first day driving on the left side of the road, we weren't going to drink.

  • Lucan



    Nice place to eat. Get to pick your own fish out. I did pick the biggest fish though because I think I was being greedy. But €55 for a fish... Eh I'm no expert on prices but I'll pick a smaller one next time

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