Ollie's Taverna i Tremithousa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernOllie's Taverna



🕗 åbningstider

Athinon, 8270, Tremithousa, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 99 076831
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Latitude: 34.8171227, Longitude: 32.4459747

kommentar 5

  • Kim Szabo

    Kim Szabo


    Lovely friendly place with great prices. Will go back when in the area for refreshments

  • Stuart May

    Stuart May


    I called in on the off chance, hoping to have Sunday Roast. No chance as they were fully booked... I asked if they did takeaway 😐 See my picture. Best Sunday Roast I've had in a long time... 😉

  • Ryan Higgins

    Ryan Higgins


    Lovely people great food and we have even kept going for Sunday lunch and Fish and chips on Friday even though we have a 40 minute trip

  • Patricia Carlson

    Patricia Carlson


    This place should be ashamed to call it's self British/English......food was AWFUL, obviously all frozen, even tho the "cook" claimed it was all made from scratch. I am not often in Cyprus, but one place I won't go back to is Ollie's!

  • Gary Thomas

    Gary Thomas


    An excellent little bar serving lovely filling homemade fresh food. Shows all the English footy also. Bar staff very friendly and welcoming. Definitely recommend a visit.

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