Hill View Restaurant | Pissouri i Πισσούρι

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CypernHill View Restaurant | Pissouri



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Pissouri Pissouri CY 4607, Πισσούρι, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 221972
internet side: hillview.com.cy
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Latitude: 34.669822, Longitude: 32.69896

kommentar 5

  • Anna Mielnik

    Anna Mielnik


    We haven't stay in the hotel but we went on couple occasion in the restauran and each time we came out very satisfied. Sunday Buffe is outstanding

  • Svetoslav Stoyanov

    Svetoslav Stoyanov


    The best restaurant in Cyprus! Best View, Best Food, Best service! The Team: Mr George, Claire, Paco,Ira, Teckla, Riz, Mr. Paul Top of the Top! 🥂🍾🌲🍀🙃😊🌞🏝

  • Bernard Hampshire

    Bernard Hampshire


    I went to this restaurant recently with a group of friends. The food was very good, well cooked, hot when it eventually arrived at the table, and was very well presented. In terms of the presentation of the dishes, if the aim was to achieve pretentiousness then it was achieved in spades. Having said how good the food was, sadly, the same cannot be said for the standard of service we experienced which was quite frankly appalling. There were three waiters on duty who spent the majority of their time standing in the bar area with their backs to the tables, and as a result paying no attention whatsoever to the customers. On three separate occasions we had to wait some 10 to 15 minutes before we were finally able to draw attention to ourselves and get a waiter to come anywhere near our table so that we might make a request. The waiters’ total lack of “attentiveness” was matched only by their obvious “indifference” to the needs of the customers. 10 out of 10 for the food, but sadly only 3 out of 10 for the “service” as there really wasn’t any. Had I not been enjoying the company of my fellow diners, I would happily have walked out of the restaurant as I so disappointed by the whole experience.

  • Cathy Hadden

    Cathy Hadden


    Had the most amazing two course meal. Soup & warm bread roll to start. Help yourself salad bar followed by an gorgeous roast dinner. All the meats & crunchy roasties. The view is amazing so I fully recommend you make this a must visit. Such good value too.

  • Jason Small

    Jason Small


    Fantastic food, service and views. This was the third time we’ve eaten at the Hill View restaurant and anytime has been a lovely experience. The food is always tasty and very well presented. The staff are friendly and very helpful with food or drink choices. Recommend you get a table with the view which always adds to the experience. If you are in or around the Pissouri area we would always recommend you pay a visit.

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