Papa John's Pizza i Germasogeia

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CypernPapa John's Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

11, Linopetra, 4043, Germasogeia, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 77 775252
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7008253, Longitude: 33.0759934

kommentar 5

  • Red Stripe

    Red Stripe


    Nice pizzas with tasty ingredients. Keep an eye on their offers as some are for online orders only.

  • Andreas Phedonos

    Andreas Phedonos


    100% disappointment. Nothing was good from many dishes ordered

  • Chry Kap

    Chry Kap


    19 euros for a "large" pizza which was barely enough for 1person.Way Overpriced for the average pizza you can find in the city. I asked for pepperoni and it was barely visible. I don't know about papa Johns's branches abroad but this one is not special at all and with a VAT of 5% this price for such a size is a crime

  • Tina Liasi

    Tina Liasi


    I give one big 5* for the vegan pizza option also the vegan rolls. Tasty, cranky vegan cheese big portion, love it.

  • TGC Club

    TGC Club


    One of the worst experience ive ever encountered! The food is lovely, but the service it's quite shocking and appalling. Specifically that lady behind the counter. I was ignored from the moment I enter the place. She didn't acknowledge me once and was incredibly rude. I asked about my order and she just looked away, my food was sitting on the side they didn't even bother to ring me when the food was ready. I had an issue trying to pay online I thought my payment was gone through but she didn't even bother to ask me to pay, it turned out they only accept visa method and no MasterCard in the year of 2022. So I had to pay over the phone and compromise my credit card security for a pizza. I will be ordering again just because I like the food but sadly I'll have to try to order from the other shop hopefully they have someone a bit more friendly.

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