Vengera Cafe-Restaurant & Luxury Suites i Kakopetria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernVengera Cafe-Restaurant & Luxury Suites



🕗 åbningstider

Galatas 74 ,Galata Nicosia CY, Kakopetria 2827, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 922242
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Latitude: 34.994177, Longitude: 32.9045871

kommentar 5

  • Chrysanthos Ioannou

    Chrysanthos Ioannou


    we went there today with my family. all foods was amazing and very very good prices I was surprised that the restaurant was pets friendly. continue the nice work.

  • Natasha Solnechnaya

    Natasha Solnechnaya


    Thank you for hospitality! We were enjoying the meal, folk dances and nature! 💘

  • Peter Johnson

    Peter Johnson


    Never been so disrespected in Cyprus in 5 years of living here. We went in today 17/09/22 and we sat down and noticed only 1 waitresses serving. We sat for almost 10 minutes and waited for her to acknowledge us then 2 tables of 4 people arrived at this point she came over to the 4 people and gave them each a menu then walked over and handed 1 between us no problem anyone can forget a menu. She then returns with 4 plates and 4 glasses for the table that had been there about 2 minutes max completely ignored us then returned with cutlery and a jug of water still ignoring us then started to take there order I'm sorry we've been sat here 15 minutes and treated like our custom was unwanted. I will say we visited here a few months back and really enjoyed the meal and raved about it to friends and family unfortunately this will now change to the actions of your staff.

  • Yuri Mayorov

    Yuri Mayorov


    We were positively surprised by food quality and prices. Everything we ordered was fresh, delicious and very reasonably priced (great value for money). Grilled trout in particular was perfect! Friendly staff and nice atmosphere on the terrace.

  • Anna Korsunsky

    Anna Korsunsky


    Blessed, warm and loved place with nice, fresh food, wine and open-hearted staff. Best choice of food on your way to Troodos Mountains.

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