Diomedes Psistaria Restaurant i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernDiomedes Psistaria Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

228, Arch. Makarios III Avenue, 3030, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 355090
internet side: www.diomides.cy
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6867728, Longitude: 33.0517291

kommentar 5

  • Invite the Mike

    Invite the Mike


    The food is great but I got political propaganda in my order. SHAME ON YOU

  • maria maalouf

    maria maalouf


    what a treat! local food done so beautifully. the chicken souvla is so flavorful and the vine leaves - superb! delicious honest to god cypriot food. the service is wonderful, the staff so friendly, the setting is basic and very clean. will definitely be coming here regularly.

  • Аня Соловій

    Аня Соловій


    Delicious fresh homemade food, big portions. It’s better to come at the beginning of working day before everything gets sold))

  • Yiorgos Savvides

    Yiorgos Savvides


    Both a rotisserie take away and a restaurant it serves Cypriot cuisine for many years and still one of the best options in the city. There may be many cool places in the city centre to eat at but this is where locals go to enjoy a home cooked meal.

  • Nicolas Philippou

    Nicolas Philippou


    Great traditional family business. This restaurant is much more than a rotisserie, as they serve a bunch of Cypriot dishes in top quality and tasty generous portions. Their prices are rather above average but they deserve it.

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