Kapatsos i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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46, Georgiou Griva Digeni, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 562256
internet side: www.kapatsos.com
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Latitude: 34.6897478, Longitude: 33.0590399

kommentar 5

  • Dinos Constantinou

    Dinos Constantinou


    I have tried a lot of psistaries in Limassol and in my opinion Kapatsos is the best one. They have plenty of options and large portions. Also the staff are always very friendly and fast. Their Keftedes are amazing!!! Also their Ceasar salad is so fresh! Overall, I highly recommend Kapatsos for anyone looking for high quality cypriot food.

  • Rusu Ofelia

    Rusu Ofelia


    Unfortunately once I ve complained about saggy calamari and when I ve tried to order in other day by hoping that they improved the way how they cook.. they rejected the order 🙄It is that the way how to fix the issues with the costumers?? I don't think so....

  • x “rudis”

    x “rudis”


    Six euro for a portion of bolognese. The whole thing has about 70 grams of meat in it. I came home and added grated cheese because it almost had none on it. I've never had a more expensive, simple pasta, takeaway dish in my life. Generally this kapatsos charges an arm and a leg for food. These people have absolutely no respect for the paying customer. They only care about the money they will make. Would you like to pay serious money for cheap food? Go to kapatsos.

  • BASSAM Ziadat

    BASSAM Ziadat


    Great local food with reasonable prices especially the chicken you’ve got to taste it. We wish it had a place to sit and eat.

  • Epiphany X

    Epiphany X


    Great home made cypriot food also do breaded cod & chips!! Very reasonably priced...Great value!

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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