Papa John's Pizza i Corner

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CypernPapa John's Pizza



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Θεσσαλονίκης, 6035, Corner, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 77 775252
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Latitude: 34.9177424, Longitude: 33.6209861

kommentar 5

  • Fiona Tsierkezou

    Fiona Tsierkezou


    We've ordered from Papa John's before & the pizzas have been excellent. There was no problem with the delivery driver. He was 10 minutes early & pleasant. The pizzas were barely warm. The Chicken BBQ pizza had so little chicken. Several slices had 1 piece of chicken & 1 piece none. The All the Meats pizza had mostly, cubes of spicy meat, but still not much. We saw 2 miniscule pieces of ham & not much else. We don't know what happened to 'all the meats'!! Was it because there was a 20% discount? We'd rather pay the full amount & enjoy our pizzas! Disappointing!

  • Faidros Spyrou

    Faidros Spyrou


    Mediocre quality. Competitors are superior in flavor, freshness, and materials.

  • Zavos Zavê

    Zavos Zavê


    Very good pizza 🍕 and good price 👍🏻and friendly staff ❤️and good service 👍🏻 Amazing 🤩 🥰

  • Cecilia Kisanga

    Cecilia Kisanga


    The Lebanese guy, can't remember his name was formidable, accurate with good customer service. I recommend.

  • Hendrik Schicke

    Hendrik Schicke


    Pizza is tiny for that price. Taste is very basic, but so sweet. How can a pizza be sweet?! So much sugar inside. It's like ketchup :(.

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