TGI Fridays - My Mall, Limassol i Limassol

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CypernTGI Fridays - My Mall, Limassol



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Franklin Roosevelt, 3150, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 812911
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Latitude: 34.652845, Longitude: 32.996557

kommentar 5

  • Kisma Healing Art

    Kisma Healing Art


    Cleo the kitchen manager is super awesome, humble, hardworking & professional. Food & drinks are beyond amazing. TGIF my mall is one of my favourites. Thanks to Cleo kitchen management

  • Natalida



    Very crowded and overpriced food but overall ok




    Nice quality of food and good service! Of course, there is a difference from the old plates before 2 yeas and the new ones. For example, the signature Fridays pork chops are smaller, but the the burgers are still good enough. I prefer the Mexican chicken fajitas which are really good. Maybe, if there is 1-2 more slices of bread will be better. But, overall it's a good choice of a daily meal!!

  • Daria P.

    Daria P.


    Expensive but the food is good. I had a Beyond Burger, which was great, however the quinoa (which they have as a set side dish for this burger, god knows why) was extremely oily and impossible to eat. My friend had a regular beef burger, which she said was great, and unexpectedly so. The atmosphere, however, is a separate topic. Suffice to say that listening to overplayed pop songs while surrounded by pictures of Elvis, Bob Dylan, Led Zep, and other iconic rock stars is just a disservice to an otherwise awesome atmosphere. Nonetheless, good place if you get hungry for a burger while shopping at the mall, and one of the few places with vegan options.

  • Sotiris Ael

    Sotiris Ael


    Great food, nice atmosphere. Its like entering a US diner. Prices are average but good for the amount of food you get. Service is excellent and waiters check on you if you need anything.

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