Η Γωνία i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernΗ Γωνία



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Χατζηλοϊζή Μιχαηλίδη, 3041, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 115315
internet side: igoniacy.wixsite.com
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Latitude: 34.6759546, Longitude: 33.043478

kommentar 5

  • Coulis Kyriacou

    Coulis Kyriacou


    It was very busy, seemed to be a popular location when we visited late on a Thursday evening. Ordered simple food of halloumi lountza pitta which was ok, but the chicken burger was not that nice. Beer was cold, but the carafe of village wine is one to avoid.

  • Kostas D

    Kostas D


    Poor service!! The place is located in one of the most busy parts in limassol and they manage to be fully booked almist every weekend. But the service is something else...worst of the kind you will find in Saripolou street.

  • mi6 Pro

    mi6 Pro


    One of the best Greek gyro places in town.

  • Rob Hill

    Rob Hill


    I have no idea what I'm reviewing here because the name is written in a strange unknown alphabet - But I'm a kind soul, so whoever you are here are my 5 stars! According to Google I have been here, perhaps it was whilst I was time-travelling and alphabets were different back then?

  • Tomazou Giorgos

    Tomazou Giorgos


    Excellent service, and a modern sense of a traditional coffee shop

nærmeste Bar

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