Pizza Hut i Limasol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernPizza Hut



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285, Franklin Roosevelt, My Mall Limassol, Limasol 3150, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 77 777777
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Latitude: 34.6529654, Longitude: 32.9965906

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Clay

    Thomas Clay


    Just had 2 pizzas and wings with a friend of mine. Not gonna lie we were shocked at the price of the bill. Also we asked for extra jalapeños but im not sure the chef granted us our wish. However luckily enough for us the Latin American waitress Emma, was spicy enough for us both.

  • Fell



    Literally the worst service I've ever had in whole Cyprus so far. The cashier lady was so rude! I wouldn't recommend this place even for my dogs.

  • Pinky Poopz

    Pinky Poopz


    Tried to dine in today as a family of 5. Finally after waiting to be “seated” we were told there was only one table available which was tiny and could hardly sit 3. There were only 4 chairs so server said she’d get another. After standing by my family for 15 mins (who were seated)I finally had to ask the server if I could actually get the seat she said she’d get. Also told we could have a table for the pizzas although I explained that there’s no way 5 pizzas could fit. We then waited for 35 mins for any server to come get take our drink or food order yet after they avoided eye contact,cleared other tables away,seated and served others we’d finally had enough and left. Absolute joke




    We waited over 30 minutes for someone to seat us. They didnt even greet us. I will go forward with a complaint to the appropriate authorities. One table was free, we tried to talk the “sweet” lady in the front and she completely ignores us. Is this how pizzahut in mymall takes care of their customers? Pathetic!

  • Louise Exton

    Louise Exton


    Waited over half an hour with noone greeting us. Plenty of staff walking by and making eye contact but chose to ignore us when we tried to say anything. Then we were finally seated at a table with dirty plates on. We tidied them up ourselves and got our own menus. Asked for a high chair, never got one. Waitress was sarcastic the whole time. We asked about the 'birthday deal' they offer on the website, the waitress sarcastically said "it was my birthday a few days ago and noone said happy birthday to me"..okay? Later on after food finally arrived the manager decided to have an argument with two waitresses next to our table. At the end when paying the waitress asked if we wanted to pay a tip, we said no, she then gave us the dirtiest look. If there was even any customer service at this restaurant or even a smile then the answer would have been yes. Would strongly suggest the restaurant close and train the staff to do their job a little better..

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