Nitayia Chinese & Sushi Restaurant i Limassol

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CypernNitayia Chinese & Sushi Restaurant



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Siafi 1Β, Πλατεία Συντάγματος, Λεμεσός, Limassol 3042, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 360671
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Latitude: 34.6709762, Longitude: 33.0424753

kommentar 5

  • Olga Yeh

    Olga Yeh


    I have been trying to find a authentic Asian cuisine in Limassol for quite a while,never found one until one day out of curiosity,we went in Nitayia to give it a go, if the food isn't good,we will never go again. Surprisingly, the food is actually authentic even it isn't run by Asian people. We ordered a Sushi platter to share, the portion is descendent for €30, price of value is high! Me and my friends went again the second time, we order Thai food and Sushi platter(of course), Tom Yum seafood soup is great, I was never satisfied with other restaurants because the flavour just was not right,but Nitayia restaurant they did put into the effort to provide the authentic food for the customers,highly recommended, also their price is very reasonable.

  • ser reen wong

    ser reen wong


    Ordered Szechuan style king prawns, fish with mushroom in oyster sauce, spring rolls and steamed rice for my Lunar New Year celebration. Well, the king prawns are like shrimps or medium prawns to me, name of the dish is misleading, but the sauce is good though. Fish cooked with mushroom is a wrong combination, it has a strong fishy odour, mushroom and oyster sauce will only worsen its flavour, so I would recommend a Cantonese style steamed fish with ginger and scallion. As for spring rolls, the skins are crispy enough but oily.

  • Thijs schmitz

    Thijs schmitz


    Really expensive place, chicken soup was horrible. Looked like a baby meal with no flavour. Spareribs had way to much sauce, because of that wasn't really tasty. Sushi was plain, way to much rice and were filled with very weird things. Cury was okay but not worth it at all. Also the timing for the dishes wasn't great, somebody had to start eating alone for 5-10 minutes. Would deffinitly never recommend or go here again my self.

  • Kimberly Iyer

    Kimberly Iyer


    I had the best night out tonight. The food was absolutely delicious and the portions were well quite large. Thank you so much also to the amazing staff. I will definitely come the next time I’m in Cyprus.

  • Andrew Sockett

    Andrew Sockett


    This was a tuff decision on my stars, the food was very tasty however for the price you pay and the amount of food you get it is not a good deal. I did like the atmosphere, if they lowered there prices a little and gave you a little bit more food it would be well worth it.

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