Mont Parnasse Asian Fusion Restaurant i Egkomi

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CypernMont Parnasse Asian Fusion Restaurant



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Engomi 1 Acropoleos Street Nicosia, Egkomi 2413, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 357171
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Latitude: 35.1632459, Longitude: 33.3205844

kommentar 5

  • Marina Papavasiliou

    Marina Papavasiliou


    The place is amazing. The indian food was delicious and the garlic naan really good. It’s too much expensive for no reason though

  • Bi Ti

    Bi Ti


    It's probably one of the best, if not the best Asian fusion cuisines in Nicosia. Here you can enjoy Chinese, Japanese and Indian food in a relaxed atmosphere with exquisite service!

  • George V

    George V


    Food was just good. Too expensive for what you get. 16 euros chicken curry without rice + 10 euros for a plate of egg rise for two people. 4 euros each spring roll not even medium sized. What the.. ??? As for the matured waitress who took the order. no comment.. You need some better communication manners. Don't bother going there. With the same money and more food there are better choices around. Never visiting again for sure!

  • Donald Rebello

    Donald Rebello


    I had a fantastic experience dining at Mont Parnasse . The Tandoori Trilogy platter had a perfect balance of spices and the meat was cooked to perfection, juicy and tender. The Lamb Roghan Josh was delicious with a few garlic Naans. The service was great and the atmosphere was super cozy and inviting. The restaurant also provides Japanese and Chinese Cuisine. I would highly recommend Tandoori Trilogy, and Lamb Roghan Josh to anyone looking for an authentic Indian dining experience.

  • Tom Mousoulides

    Tom Mousoulides


    2022 4star Highly professional service. Upscaled and luxiry atmosphere and setting. Food expensive and mediocre (nothing special for the price you pay double than other restaurants). You pay for the name and the service. Left satisfied. Prices could be better. 2021 5star One of the oldest and most elite restaurants on the capital. On a hill overlooking Nicosia. Servicing Chinese, Indian and Japanese cuisine in an elegant and majestic setting. If you are into Asian cuisine, a must try

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