Segafredo Zanneti Nicosia i Egkomi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernSegafredo Zanneti Nicosia



🕗 åbningstider

28th October, 2416, Egkomi, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 77 777714
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Latitude: 35.1636231, Longitude: 33.317578

kommentar 5

  • Mathaios



    A unique cafe/restaurant which has massively improved over the years. There are great drinks, food and even shisha to enjoy. Before leaving Cyprus I came here almost daily and on my last day they offered us free nachos on the house. They probably offer the cleanest and tastiest shisha in town. The staff are also very kind, friendly and nice to have conversation with 😊

  • Yiannis Argyrou

    Yiannis Argyrou


    Nice place, good food, average pricing! Good for all ages (there is a playground as well). It offers daily newspapers. Free wifi. Free parking nearby!

  • firedrag500



    Excellent place to just chill out and relax. Very family and child friendly, smoking indoors is also allowed here. The coffee selection is extensive being offered both hot and cold with two low calorie options on the menu, average price between €4.50 and €5. I enjoyed an iced cappuccino and Dutch pancakes served with honey and walnuts while my friend had an iced cappuccino with a chocolate and banana crepe. Those 4 items came to €21.10, Excellent value.

  • Nick Wood

    Nick Wood


    Really nice food, good service with a button on the table to call a waiter, and massive adult-supervised play area with a glass wall so you can see them. A really good place to relax with kids. Highly recommended!

  • Henry Diaz

    Henry Diaz


    We loved this place We stopped by for a well brunch and we did not regret This place is A1 service The food was amazing The service superb

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