Road Trip Bar & Grill i Egkomi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernRoad Trip Bar & Grill



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1, Andrea Chaliou Street, Engomi, Egkomi 2408, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 210222
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Latitude: 35.1637651, Longitude: 33.3342093

kommentar 5

  • P Phaedonos

    P Phaedonos


    A great place to watch sports, to enjoy drinks and music. Different events are organised each week with either live music or djs. Definitely reccomend DJ Constantinos and Triple L. A. V. Polite and helpful staff who try their best for you to enjoy your stay or organise an event / surprise. Staff cares about your experience and asks feedback on how to better serve you. There is enough parking space next to the bar. You can also order for take away, to enjoy the food at home or share it with friends.

  • Andrey Kormilitsin

    Andrey Kormilitsin


    Half-chicken was perfect!

  • Reboot Design

    Reboot Design


    After waiting for 1 and a half hour for my order the answer from the waiter was “do you want the food or not?”. Of course NOT. Terrible service and the food was bad (my friends at the table had theirs after 1 hour). Not even an apology from the manager - great job. Never again!

  • Christos



    Excellent food, polite staff, pleasant environment. Only issue : the music was too loud

  • Serg Muay

    Serg Muay


    Nice sports bar. Great platters. Superb atmosphere. Went there with a bunch of people for a birthday party, so didn't pay anything. I tried their pinacolada. It was delicious but perhaps can use a bit more alcohol. Someone had a margarita but they kinda messed up by not putting salt on the glass rim. Although they made amends by making a right one on the house. Platters are superbly hearty and om nom nom quality. I just had a quick look at the drinks menu and the prices were all right too. Only thing, is that, some sports like tennis or UFC, don't have sounds on. Perhaps they can make that into a big night because Cyprus has a very large UFC and tennis fan base. 4 and half stars.

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