Papa John's Pizza i Egkomi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernPapa John's Pizza



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7, Nikou Kranidioti, 2411, Egkomi, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 77 775252
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1614127, Longitude: 33.3317213

kommentar 5

  • Michael Gell

    Michael Gell


    Vegan pizza very good

  • Leonidas Anastasiou

    Leonidas Anastasiou


    12 pieces of pizza ( They call it XL pizza ) and takeaway at the price of 29.95 euro? If you order it delivery you have to pay 32.50 - 33.00 euro. For God sake!!!! Most probably papajohns pizza delivered with gold dust.

  • Mr. Robot

    Mr. Robot


    Legit best pizza. Why would any1 want to go anywhere else in the entire world for pizza. Papa bless

  • dreamchord45



    My friends and I order from here nearly every weekend while hanging out together. Delivery is always very fast, the food is always fresh and hot, and we have never had one mistake or complaint to speak of. Their deals are a very good price if you split the cost 4-5 ways and we often end up with a bit leftover. A good option when it comes to a quick dinner for a get together.

  • Christos Achilleoudes

    Christos Achilleoudes


    My favorite pizza and best prices. I only tried take away and they did mess up one out of the 4-5 times I ordered without making up with a discount or anything so I'm not rating their customer service They got 50% off for take away orders and 40 or % off for delivery

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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