Jacaranda Hotel Apartments i Protaras

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernJacaranda Hotel Apartments


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3, Ellinon, 5318, Protaras, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 23 832340
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Latitude: 35.0325589, Longitude: 34.0354246

kommentar 5

  • Andreas MP

    Andreas MP


    Nice location and clean. It is evident that the management is trying to maintain the hotel and keep it clean but the hotel is tired and in urgent need of full renovation. Friendly and polite staff.

  • Emma Bell

    Emma Bell


    Great facilities, spacious rooms. Pool very clean. Could do with an upgrade to rooms as they are very dated, air conditioning in bedroom didn't work and there was an ant infestation which made it very difficult to "self cater" for ourselves and a toddler.

  • Simon claydon

    Simon claydon


    Fabulously situated. Lovely beach 5 mins away. Great supermarket next door. Fabulous views from balcony. Lovely pool area. All round top resort. Shall be visiting again next year. Oh. Friendly staff. Great week.

  • Christine



    Pool area is lovely. Bungalows are really nice and you just step outside and your at the pool, sooo handy. The hotel area itself is ok. Reception area and external entrance is a bit dismal. Very uninviting. Could look alot more apealing with a bit of kerb appeal. Very basic. Sadly Needs a bit of updating. Food is basic. Had breakfast which is a bit bland and basic. Not had any other food, cant see it being any better.

  • Dmitrii Fomin

    Dmitrii Fomin


    Great place with 5 pools divided from each other. It is very comfortable to watch for the kid's safety. I have only two proposals: make a sun roof at the ground floor terraces and turn on the music during the pool work hours. Thanks!!!

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