Alva Hotel Apartments i Protaras

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernAlva Hotel Apartments


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58, Protara, 5296, Protaras, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 23 831515
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Latitude: 35.01211, Longitude: 34.055388

kommentar 5

  • Aidan W

    Aidan W


    Stayed here in July 2022 we were a family of 2 adults and 2 young children. The apartment room was perfect and the cleaners did an excellent job daily. The pool and bar facilities where very good, the food was very quick and very tasty. Overall it’s an Excellent hotel, location and has awesome staff. Going to visit the resort again in the summer of 2024 and this is the hotel we will be staying at guaranteed.

  • Maureen Moffat

    Maureen Moffat


    Clean apartment. Small balcony but totally adequate chairs and table provided with small wash rail. All provided goods sufficient for the stay. Very polite staff.

  • Tas Gregoriou

    Tas Gregoriou


    Our family had a great stay at Alva, thanks to Soulla & Katia for making us feel so welcome. The suite was excellent with a luxury shower, kitchenette and balcony. We had a regular and very friendly cleaning lady too. Perfectly located close to Fig Tree bay and the strip on Protara but no noise at all to the rooms. Parking space too. Thanks again.

  • Andrew Fewings

    Andrew Fewings


    Holiday apartments, self catering , ideal as there are plenty of different types of food establishments almond the road. Absolutely love this place, total relaxation and an extremely short walk to fig tree bay the best beach anywhere in my opinion.

  • Rich Leeson

    Rich Leeson


    The hotel is in an ideal location, five minutes from one of the finest beaches in europe. The room was a good size. I would have given a five star review if the staff at the bar by the pool hadn't been so rude. Customer service has a lot space to improve. Shame as the staff in the hotel were pleasant.

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