Lantiana Gardens Apart Hotel i Protaras

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernLantiana Gardens Apart Hotel


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Protaras, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 23 814250
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Latitude: 35.0116882, Longitude: 34.0540122

kommentar 5

  • Agnieszka Gabrys

    Agnieszka Gabrys


    Great location, clean rooms. The way to the beach wasn't easily recognizable. Poor breakfast. People reserving sunbeds despite hotel's policy prohibited that.

  • Raili Karvonen-Willman

    Raili Karvonen-Willman


    Great place to stay easily in Protaras. Clean, polite, Fresh atmosphere. Good staff, extra best Marieta in reception and the bar staff. Nice pools and beach close. Some wish for variety of breakfast, after 1 week pretty boring. Also generally food products not so tasty, You can do these better for sure. Non working electric plugs and toilet/paper systems are really negative point in Cypros. Hopefully some day better, as tourism brings money.

  • Milica Katic

    Milica Katic


    Hotel is exceptional, food is delicious and it's only a few minutes from the beach. The only negative thing is breakfast time - it starts to late, 8am is to late. During the summer the rising time is around 5am, so you have to wait 2-3 hours to have breakfast. Than you go to the beach at 9am when it's too crowded. This was the main issue because we have hungry young kids at the morning.

  • Phjeeteri



    Very nice place! The pool is nice, the food prices are reasonable, the reception market is a bit pricey though. The spot for the hotel is excellent, and most of the staff are friendly! The wide blonde girl with the tattoo, i forgot her name but she feels sassy as anything. But overall good experience!

  • Rafael Oros

    Rafael Oros


    Location close to the beach (about 5 minutes walking) and on the way to the beach there's a store with good prices. The hotel is really nice with friendly employees. Free wifi (good connection and speed) and free air conditioning. The pool is clean and sunbeds and umbrellas are also free. There's a small corner with vegetation with wonderful shadow. The poolbar is open from 10 in the morning. It is a really good place

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