Pizza La Strata i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernPizza La Strata



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Nafsikas, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 331166
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6886688, Longitude: 33.018644

kommentar 5

  • C P

    C P


    Absolutely disgusting. Non eatable.

  • Constantin Branescu

    Constantin Branescu


    This is by far the worst pizza I’ve ever had. Saltless, oily, the dough was tough and chewy, just terrible from every aspect. Not to mention that I’ve ordered thick crust and got thin instead. Save your money, otherwise you will regret it instantly.

  • pana Pana

    pana Pana


    Your crust has improved Greatly!! Much better then how it use to be..Only thing is the dough could use a bit of salt to give it more taste....

  • Sebastian Apelgren

    Sebastian Apelgren


    It was, unironically, the worse pizza i’ve ever had. I ordered peperoni with olives, the only thing visible was the a low quality cheese with 0 taste, the few peperonies was buried in it. The bread they use taste like water, probably pre bought. I would never order here again and wouldn’t even eat here if it was free. I had to trash the pizza i bought, so bad. I had to eat the pizza box to full my stomach... I strongly recommend you all to eat at pepperoni pizza that is just down the street.

  • John Demetriou

    John Demetriou


    The pizza is great. Good prices and good taste. I ordered for lunch on a weekday, the delivery was super fast and tasted great

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