Domino's Pizza i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernDomino's Pizza



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12, Petrou Tsirou, 3075, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 77 778558
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.685551, Longitude: 33.032693

kommentar 5

  • John Paneras

    John Paneras


    The quality has really dropped. Overcooked components, over salted, wasnt really the experience i remembered

  • Lucas Sands

    Lucas Sands


    Be a customer for almost 3 years . 🎲 From taste, service and customer support their doing great! Only one time I had an issue and they solved it immediately. Oh my gosh you must try everything 😋 pizza's, sandwiches, dessert etc in the picture is the Cyprus sandwich. 2 for €5 offer

  • Andreas Nestoros

    Andreas Nestoros


    Never ordering from them again. Did an order at 21:18 and it arrived at 22:41. Been constantly calling at their call Center and they were keep telling me that there are no drivers to deliver my order despite the fact that it is ready. Initially, they wanted to give us free chocolate pie or garlic bread but declined. Finally called again at 22:20 and they apologised. Moreover, they told us that it’s going to be free and we won’t have to pay. Told them that it is not necessarily to deliver the order, since we were ready to order from somewhere else but they keep telling that the driver it’s on its way.. Arrived at 22:41. Tried a piece and could totally understand that it was reheated. However the pizzas were cold by the time they arrived. Such a shame. Use to order weekly, how ever will stay away from now on.

  • Elias Sapachlaris

    Elias Sapachlaris


    Great pizza, always fresh and on time. I usually order for delivery around 7pm before it gets too busy to ensure I get my pizza quickly. Have never been disappointed with the quality of the pizza. Always hot and ready to be eaten. Delivery guys are very friendly and work hard. A good range of vegan pizzas too which are delicious (Shawarma and Fasting pizzas are great combined with the wholewheat crust)

  • Chris Zuidema

    Chris Zuidema


    Dominos is the best on Tuesdays, buy 1 get 1 free. What more do you want. Especially the BBQ beef Pizza makes my mouth water :p Sometimes you have to wait a bit long, but normally the Pizzas arrive quit fast.

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