Simply Fresh i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernSimply Fresh



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Agias Fylaxeos 76A, Limassol, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 335150
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Latitude: 34.684142, Longitude: 33.037951

kommentar 5

  • Laura Smith

    Laura Smith


    Food always above and beyond, the person on the till seems confused and slow, she was too busy trying to do other parts of her job and couldn't communicate with me stood in front of her or remember why I was stood there at the till

  • Giannakis Giorgalli

    Giannakis Giorgalli


    Amazing and very tasting pancakes... I ordered Pancakes with peanut butter and fresh fruits and the were perfect taste. Highly recommended!!

  • Mélanie Z.

    Mélanie Z.


    I used to ordered and it used to be good...but now I am so disappointed...the triangle sandwich I ordered was disgusting..the bread was dry from at least 3 days ago...the salad...was mainly made with lettuce instead of the other ingredients... I don't recommend it anymore...

  • Andrea



    Only tried the oat pancakes so I can only give a review on that. THEY ARE ADDICTIVE. Incredible pancakes that don't even feel like oats. Good price for the quality. Getting hungry just thinking about them now

  • Aaron Rose

    Aaron Rose


    Freshly made food with an impressive menu. Staff really friendly and polite too. Clean, well maintained and an all round relaxing environment. Pleasantly impressed. Oh and the carrot, orange and ginger juice was so good!

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