Tylos Beach Hotel i Kato Pyrgos

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CypernTylos Beach Hotel


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40, Nikolaou Papageorgiou, Kato Pyrgos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 26 522348
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Latitude: 35.188396, Longitude: 32.6720023

kommentar 5

  • Gerd M

    Gerd M


    The fried fish (4 sardines and 4 small red mullets with fries for 30€) were fresh. Salad and drinks overpriced compared to other restaurants though. disappointing

  • Chris



    Very friendly owners, good food, comfortable rooms. Will definitely visit again

  • savvas evangelou

    savvas evangelou


    NOT RECOMMENDED… Terrible bedrooms, zero sound insulation (It is as if you are sleeping on the streets), there were ants in the apartment, very small breakfast and not very tasty. Horrible service and attitude from the receptionist who was actually the owner. We slept there for 1 night and they wanted us to pay for 2 nights because it was busy period.

  • Costas Evangelou

    Costas Evangelou


    Overall we are not very happy with the attitude and services of the staff. The prices for what is offered are not worth it. The only advantage is that it is near the beach but there are so many more better looking hotels near the beach. Do not book with breakfast in this hotel, it is very small buffet.

  • Maria Legostaeva

    Maria Legostaeva


    It’s a VERY GOOD place to spend your holidays or just to escape from rush for couple of days. Do not hesitate! Don’t hesitate and don’t think that 2* hotel can’t provide GREAT SERVICE. It a family run hotel and you can feel this care and attention in everything. Hotel is located at the seashore with a very cosy, hidden beach with a very shallow entrance. No pebbles and stones, just dark sand. There are 2 types of rooms: sea&mountain view. We had a very good room, freshly renovated with a shower and fridge. The food is perfect, fantastic fish. NO FROZEN FOOD! Everything we’ve ordered for dinner was freshly cooked. The fish was from the morning catch by local fishermen. I asked for octopus and they commented that they don’t have it today, because they don’t use frozen product. Absolutely stunning homemade olives. Breakfast was sufficient: variety of coffees, drinks, cereals, tomatoes, eggs, toasts, ham and cheese. You should try local halloumi, it’s completely different from what you can get anywhere else. Typos Beach hotel is open all year round, so you can stay here any time. Strongly recommend for visiting!

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