Sash Shisha i Agios Tychon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernSash Shisha



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Sun Sea Court 18 Leoforos Amathountos Αγ. Τύχων CY, Agios Tychon 4532, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 99 847711
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Latitude: 34.7099907, Longitude: 33.1275147

kommentar 5

  • Maksim Antonov

    Maksim Antonov


    Not bad, but a lot of smokers inside.

  • Chris Mullan

    Chris Mullan


    Very relaxed atmosphere, everybody was really friendly, service was excellent and the prices were very reasonable.

  • Loizos Savva

    Loizos Savva


    This place is absolutely excellent to watch football games along with a good Sisha. In my opinion their food is very good and I personally believe that their prices are worth it since they are extremely affordable.

  • Manoel Boutros

    Manoel Boutros


    Best Shisha in Cyprus! Super good ambiance, friendly staff! Owners are incredibly friendly😍 The food is great🤩

  • Juan Carlos Méndez

    Juan Carlos Méndez


    Great place with chill atmosphere! You can enjoy a traditional shisha with good snacks and music. The service was amazing, the guys looked after us, took care about our shisha, food and drinks. If you like shisha, this is the best place in Limassol.

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