Do Wine & Dine i Agios Tychon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernDo Wine & Dine


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Pearl building Amathountos 50E Άγιος Τύχων, Agios Tychon 4532, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 020056
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Latitude: 34.705864, Longitude: 33.115132

kommentar 5

  • Nikolas Chatziavraam

    Nikolas Chatziavraam


    Mostly known for its brunch dishes, “Do” offers a nice option for a casual weekend coffee/brunch outing. The outdoors sitting area is spacious and nicely covered and heated so you can sit outside all year long. Food is somehow pricy and portions a bit smaller than expected but food quality is on the upper side, thus what you pay is what you get. A reservation is recommended but due to the large sitting are is likely you will find a free table either way.

  • Christina



    The atmosphere was relaxed and the indoor area of the restaurant was quiet on a Thursday evening. The food was well presented and tasted good, and there was a good selection of wines and cocktails. The desert was nice without being overly sweet. The service was good overall.

  • A. von dem Berge

    A. von dem Berge


    A challenge for non-smokers! My rating has been given as a non-smoker. You get a smoking card directly with the prices for a hookah, I read it to be 30-45€ for one. If I remember correctly, a hookah in Egypt costs 5 pounds, which is about 25 cents. First of all, getting a table without being bothered by the smoke is easy on the eastern bloc. But when you want to eat, you don't necessarily want to taste toxic smoke all the time. The service was quick and attentive. Against all odds, we ordered food. For starters we had “SALMON CAKE” and “THAI SHRIMP” for main course “CHICKEN THIGH BONELESS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE and RATATOUILLE” and “CHICKEN WRAP”. The food was well prepared and tasty. All in all, I can't recommend the restaurant for non-smokers! Food good ambiance good air self portrait outdoor area very poor. There are some parking spaces directly from the restaurant. The ambience is nice and the tables are still Corona compliant!! The selection of drinks, especially wines, is very large. The service was quick and courteous. We only drank Aperol Spritz and ordered “MIXED BOARD” with it. A disadvantage is the restaurant is located directly on the B1, which means that the background noise is very loud from time to time. Another shortcoming for us as non-smokers is the number of visitors who smoke water pipes. Which is very uncomfortable.

  • Dr. Nantia Iakovidou

    Dr. Nantia Iakovidou


    I ordered a burger, but I realised that they didn’t ask me how I prefer the meat (for example well-done, medium rare, etc.). Also, they should ask what I prefer as a side. They brought a lot of fried fries, but I would prefer a salad as a side. The decor was nice and music was not very loud. The chicken plate and cocktails were nice.

  • Panayiota Stylianou

    Panayiota Stylianou


    Do. Go! Wonderful restaurant. Cuisine is Asian and steaks. We only had sushi but can't wait to go back for steaks! The Deco was elevated and the food too was excellent. Very well presented and decorated. The flavors of all our dishes where fab. Will definetly be returning!

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