Riganato - Greek Grill Restaurant - Delivery & Takeaway i Paphos

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CypernRiganato - Greek Grill Restaurant - Delivery & Takeaway



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Grigori Afxentiou, Paphos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 77 777872
internet side: www.riganatogrill.com
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Latitude: 34.7761813, Longitude: 32.4256809

kommentar 5

  • Sabrina Sp

    Sabrina Sp


    Great location, great service and super delicious food! We liked everything about this spot. Portion size was pretty big for a fair price. Chef came to ask to ask, if everything is alright. Super modern place to enjoy a good Greek/ Cyprus Stile meal.

  • Javier Andre

    Javier Andre


    I always enjoy this restaurant! Think of it as a great quality fast food restaurant for local cypriot food. The food is always super tasty, decently sized and always a lot of variety to choose from. The staff is always super nice and polite, I always end up striking a nice conversation with them! I really like the vibe overall there. recommended for sure!

  • Dorottya Papp

    Dorottya Papp


    Very friendly staff, delicious food, just be careful because the portions are pretty huge! Went back for a second dinner during a 3 days stay, which we never do!!

  • Iwona Guerrache

    Iwona Guerrache


    What a nice restaurant wirh tasty food. After checking opinion we decided to try and it was very food choice. Food was delicious! Very big portion. We didnt wait to long (maybe due to out of season - late may) but even if you need to wait - it is worth. Parking along the street (you pay for it)

  • Karolina G.

    Karolina G.


    Delicious food, fresh ingredients. Pita - perfect. Chilli sauce - the best we've ever eaten, sauce served on a plate with meat - we've never had a better one in our lives. Huge portions, uneatable, half of my plate was eaten by cats 😂 - they're great! Really nice place.

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