Almyra Hotel i Paphos

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CypernAlmyra Hotel



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12, Poseidonos Avenue, 8042, Paphos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 26 888700
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Latitude: 34.754573, Longitude: 32.418889

kommentar 5

  • Stylianie Matthaiou

    Stylianie Matthaiou


    Perfect hotel, excellent location, friendly staff. The room was fully equipped and we could choose in which floor to have our room, what kind of pillows to have etc. The ladies in the spa were super friendly and helpful. You should try the fusion massage, the sauna and the steam room. Excellent location with breathtaking sunset.

  • Annette A

    Annette A


    Our first stay at this Hotel. I hope it won't be the last. Extremely friendly staff, nothing is too much bother. Excellent location. Food very good. Room was clean and had a good view. It is not a cheap hotel as it is 5* but you really get what you pay for. Love it.

  • Stella Reppenhagen

    Stella Reppenhagen


    We visited the hotel for the day and enjoyed the different facilities. It was beautiful! Four different types of pools, each for a different target group, food was delicious with a wide range of cuisines, and the staff was very welcoming and helpful! Laura, from guest services, showed us around the premises, and explained everything in detail. Definitely worth a visit, even if it’s just for the day! We will definitely stay a night next time!

  • סמנתה אנסיני

    סמנתה אנסיני


    We were a couple and a child. The stay was excellent! The hotel and rooms are very clean, the staff is friendly and very helpful. The location of the hotel is excellent, near many good restaurants and close to the promenade. The breakfast at the hotel is very good. Definitely a recommended hotel

  • חן אזולאי

    חן אזולאי


    Highly recommend the hotel, everything was perfect. Great location right on Paphos Promenade. The hotel has two excellent restaurants, it is worth booking in advance. Rooms are clean and spacious. The hotel's cleanliness and routine maintenance are of a high standard and it looks like the hotel was built yesterday. Must add that the staff are very courteous and I would especially like to thank Isabella from the guest service for the advice, and the care down to the smallest details that the holiday will be perfect.

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