Marina Beach Bar‬ i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernMarina Beach Bar‬



🕗 åbningstider

M29P+JFX, Limassol, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 051878
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Latitude: 34.6691209, Longitude: 33.0362482

kommentar 5

  • Keren Novik Cohen

    Keren Novik Cohen


    The salad we order was perfect. The quinoa salad I've ate was the best ever. The dressing was very nice and not so sweet. The bread was very good. Highly recommended🖐

  • Tina Liasi

    Tina Liasi


    Very nice and lovely view to the sea, very professional and friendly staff and a lot of vegan tasty foods. The atmosphere is amazing with nice music from the morning till night. Nice clear beach also cocktails are offers with nice price.

  • Antony Tk

    Antony Tk


    Been here today. Everything is generally good, food is tasty, stuff is friendly. But unfortunately music is too loud and bass bouncing like crazy all over the place. Want to stay more but, because of headache have to leave. Hope the owners will read this and will address this problem.

  • Richard Goldmann Sachs

    Richard Goldmann Sachs


    Beautiful exclusive restaurant right on the beach with a magnificent view of the sea! Food is of good quality. Service is very friendly, sometimes a bit inattentive and slow. 2 sun loungers with parasols on the beach cost an extra 15.00 euros despite consumption. The visit to the beach itself is free of charge.

  • Andreas Ttofi

    Andreas Ttofi


    Went to Gazebo for brunch during winter.Food was good and service as well. Fair pricing. The place is located on the edge of Limassol. Very cozy and with an incredible view. The parking lot could be free for the customers but other than that very pleased with the overall experience.

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