Lorenza Coffee i Nicosia

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CypernLorenza Coffee


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59G6+CR7, Nicosia 99010
kontakter telefon: +90 533 869 56 53
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 35.1760422, Longitude: 33.3620453

kommentar 5

  • Quentin Thwaites

    Quentin Thwaites


    The most friendly place in Northern Cyprus so far… and they’ve all been pretty friendly! Great spot for a snack or just a drink. We had a couple of House Reds which was very good. Wish we were staying nearer as we’d be there every day.

  • Sabine Ehschonwissen

    Sabine Ehschonwissen


    Very, very nice staff and great handmade lemonade. Every Cacher and Muggle should visit this place.




    Nice little place polite waiters and live guitar. ♥️

  • Natascha de Waal

    Natascha de Waal


    One of our favourite places to visit! Lovely, super friendly owners, delicious homemade food and the beverages are so good. Especially the coffees and their fresh lemonade. The cakes are amazing as well. It's always a warm welcome when visiting this amazing little gem in town!

  • Patrick Macken

    Patrick Macken


    Lorenza Coffee is very conveniently situated for all the old city of Nicosia interesting attractions, “Buyuk Han”, “Gambler’s Inn Han”, “St Sophia Cathedral - Mosque” and the border crossing (passport control) to Greek Ledra Street. The cafe is situated in a pedestrian square between 2 Taverna/Locanta type eateries. It’s a great spot for drinks (cold and hot) and lighter meals (home made quiche, salads, sandwiches, home made cakes)etc. It’s excellent in good weather (but on the hotter days you definately need to take shade under the large umbrellas). The service is personal and friendly. It has recently become much more busy with many tourists crossing to and fro at the border. It’s a great spot to stop and revive whilst taking in the sights or for local workers and residents to chill out.

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