Kumda Kahve i Lefkoşa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernKumda Kahve



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M. Asım Efendi Sokak, 99010, Lefkoşa
kontakter telefon: +90 548 837 83 87
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Latitude: 35.1770208, Longitude: 33.3635892

kommentar 5

  • Stefano Convertino

    Stefano Convertino


    I had to leave a review for this place, after a whole year I still think of it as the best chocolate baklava I have ever eaten. And their tea set + how they served it was just impressive. I wish them good luck with their business! 🙏

  • Julien van der waal

    Julien van der waal


    The ultimate Turkish cafe experience. From the atmosphere, with a beautifully decorated room with harmonious music, to the amazing coffee which is beautifully served together with some turkish fruit, lemonade and water. I can also highly recommend the baklava, will definitely be back again!

  • Robert Fillner

    Robert Fillner


    Great place, amazing atmosphere and kind staff in centre of Old Town Nicosia, North part. Comfortable rest, good coffee and tea, well prepared and very nice served. Retro style, many movie's pictures and many interesting things. You must see.

  • Dinara Khamraeva

    Dinara Khamraeva


    The staff was very friendly, you can see that the people working here really love their job. I was very pleased that pleasant retro music plays, and most importantly, it plays quietly and you can hear each other's speech. The prices are very low, the food is very tasty and fresh. The interior was very beautiful, I will definitely come here again and take my friends with me so that they know too that there is such a cozy cafe here

  • Naz Gol

    Naz Gol


    A nice coffee, great vibe, chance of playing backgammon (tavla) surrounded by old posters of actors movies of 60s, 70s. You can spend a wonderful evening there. ☺️

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