Asmaaltı Tezgah Cafe i Lefkoşa

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CypernAsmaaltı Tezgah Cafe


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Asmaaltı Meydanı, Kumarcilar Hani Yani,, 59G6+QX3, Lefkoşa 99010
kontakter telefon: +90 533 870 01 84
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Latitude: 35.1768866, Longitude: 33.3624314

kommentar 5

  • Daria Kurtarankartal

    Daria Kurtarankartal


    Full of ambiance and style. Nice menu of drinks, including some alcohol options. Lovely setting in the centre of Lefkosa.

  • Alan Roy (NoSmokingGFdecafSr)

    Alan Roy (NoSmokingGFdecafSr)


    Decaf, gluten free chocolate torte cake things, great decor and easy jazz music. Cozy and cool.

  • Lars Mönch

    Lars Mönch


    This is such a nice and cozy place. We love to go there every time we visit Nikosia. The variety of cakes and sweets are amazing. The quality is very good, for cake lovers the place to be. It's pretty small and not too many tables. One toilet for all of us.... Hahaha. The people are very friendly and polite. Choose your cake and enjoy a coffee or tea. You will love to take a timeout there, like getting invited in someone's living room. Very nice....

  • Marwan Ragheb

    Marwan Ragheb


    This cafe in the old town offers good pastry, traditional tea and coffee, also good for breakfast with its outdoor and indoor seating in the old town. There is a cat who apparently came with this old house and avoid pushing him away he can become unpleasant, when left alone he just copes with the busy place and minds his own business.

  • Penny Akarepi

    Penny Akarepi


    Awesome sweets and tea, friendly staff .

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