New York City Donuts i Mesa Geitonia

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CypernNew York City Donuts



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Arch. Makarios III, Mesa Geitonia, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 211444
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Latitude: 34.6949291, Longitude: 33.0449886

kommentar 5

  • Cara A

    Cara A


    Delicious donuts!!! Totally better than almost any we had in the US. Mouth-watering, filling, perfect for a sweet tooth craving.

  • Patrizia Uzcátegui

    Patrizia Uzcátegui


    The best donuts ever, no discussion!! And Giorgios, the owner, is a sweet and very nice person, and you can see the love they put into their job!! For sure I will be a regular client!!

  • George Aristidou

    George Aristidou


    Taste like New York. Fresh and warm sometimes. I think is the best donuts place in Cyprus so far.

  • Wasim Zayed

    Wasim Zayed


    Update: Always fresh and tasty:-) One of the best donuts you can find in Limassol. Fresh, tasty and good variety of flavors.if you are planning to get a big order it's better to order in advance to be sure that they have the amount you need.It's only for take away, the location is crowded so it might be difficult sometimes to find parking.

  • Giulio D'Angelo

    Giulio D'Angelo


    The donuts are delicious, well priced and there is a big variety of flavours. Small down side is the customer service is weak, you will notice this if you order donuts for delivery.

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