Oishi-Oishi Japanese Takeaway i Larnaca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernOishi-Oishi Japanese Takeaway



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Nikodemou Mylona, Larnaca, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 70 004666
internet side: www.oishi-oishi.info
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.9173224, Longitude: 33.6273511

kommentar 5

  • Natali Pavlenko

    Natali Pavlenko


    The Best Noodles you will ever try!

  • Soulla Ak

    Soulla Ak


    We often get their Wednesday €10 platter offer.

  • Georg Bühler

    Georg Bühler


    Very disappointing and potentially dangerous experience. I ordered dinner for nearly 40 Euros yesterday, and today my partner and I are paying dearly for it. We have serious stomach issues that can only be traced back to this food. I would advise everybody to think twice before ordering here. We used to order sushi from across the street at Wagamama and never had such issues before.

  • Laurent Koscielny

    Laurent Koscielny


    Ordered from Oishi-Oishi more than once, and unfortunately was disappointed many times. Sushi salmon had 95% rice and 5% salmon, i could hardly taste the salmon. The crispy on top of the maki's tasted very old and ruined the taste, I just couldn't finish it.I had this bad experience ordering from there more than once.

  • Florin Coman

    Florin Coman


    Very nice sushi but for the amount served too expensive. The sashimi was cut way too small and there was more rice than actual sushi. The maki roll was tasty but again too much rice in it I could barely taste the salmon in it. I will give it a 3 as it was OK but they could do so much better and also I like the take away packaging 😊

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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