Just Italian i Paralimni

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CypernJust Italian



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52, Kennedy Avenue, 5290, Paralimni, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 23 744300
internet side: www.justitalian.com
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Latitude: 35.0540455, Longitude: 34.0099552

kommentar 5

  • L M

    L M


    Great restaurant, pizza was ready super fast and delicious. Spaghetti carbonara was amazing. Waiters were really nice and helpful. Thank you.

  • Steffen Scheibler

    Steffen Scheibler


    This is, simply put, THE go-to place for great Italian-style food in Paralimni. Been here countless times and this place never fails to deliver. The food is always good. I do recommend reserving a table on weekends and public holidays as the place is quite popular (with good reason!) and getting a table can be difficult. But the most impressive thing is the consistency with which you will have a very pleasant dining experience here. Clearly a lot of emphasis is put on sourcing good ingredients and the quality of the food leaving the kitchen is high. In my view, one of the best places to go for an evening out with fine dining.

  • Will Roberts

    Will Roberts


    Absolutely amazing meal. Beautiful food and excellent staff. Well priced as well. Busy during tourist season so book in advance

  • Miss Potato

    Miss Potato


    We had a couple of starters and two steaks. The bruschetta and mushroom ravioli were mediocre but the steaks and mushroom sauce were delicious. The overall service was terrible and a waiter refused to move us to another available table. The rest of the waiters delivered an average service however, I appreciate that they immediately fixed a mistake. The ambience definitely needs improvement.

  • Henning Rochow

    Henning Rochow


    Outstanding Italian kitchen. Also the Pizza is a must try, thin, crispy with delicious toppings. The restaurant manager is very friendly and always looking for a solution. We came with a 9-strong group without a reservation at Pentecost. Instead of turning us down as many restaurants in the closer vicinity did the boss found a solution and we had a nice evening with delicious food. Very guest oriented.

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