Manolia City Residences i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernManolia City Residences



🕗 åbningstider

35, Stasikratous, 1065, Nicosia, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 96 320205
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1655926, Longitude: 33.3619862

kommentar 5

  • vasileia aristotelidou

    vasileia aristotelidou


    Very nice location, super clean and Ms. Stella was excellent!! Thank you very much!!!

  • Aaron Busuttil

    Aaron Busuttil


    The owner gave us the worse room since we dtsyed there longer than other guests. Had no balcony even thou i ttold her i smoke....

  • Panayiota Stylianou

    Panayiota Stylianou


    A little gem in the heart of Nicosia. Location is excellent! Many popular destinations of eating and drinking with in minutes. Modern deco, very clean and safe. Shower is a little small but otherwise the room was great, bed was very comfy and in general it was good stay. Would highly recomend and return.

  • Shmuel Ben-Zion

    Shmuel Ben-Zion


    Very nice place, modern renovated, clean, comfortable in very fshionabl street ( unfortionly there are road work now, in October 2019). There is a parking lot next door and bistro for breakfast across the street. Highly recomanded

  • Dora Christofi

    Dora Christofi


    Manolia City Residences is located in the heart of Nicosia, in the famous shopping street Stasikratous. Our room was comfortable and clean, which is the main reason someone should choose to stay here! All furniture in all rooms is brand new. They also provide you with a fridge, kettle, tea, coffee and water to make your own coffee/tea in your room. Manolia is a perfect place to stay and totally worth of my recommendation.

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