Castelli Hotel Ξενοδοχείο i Nicosia

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CypernCastelli Hotel Ξενοδοχείο



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38 Ouzounian Street, Nicosia 1010, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 712712
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.172598, Longitude: 33.357882

kommentar 5

  • en

    Doo Dee


    Be careful all travelers. Do not use your credit card at this hotel as you will have a nasty surprise on your statement when you get back home. Use cash only!!

  • en

    Dave Lucas


    It was handy for main bus station and good breakfast. It was ok generally clean but a few very small black marks on the bathroom tiles and some fluff under the bedside table. The tv had only 5 channels all with poor picture quality.

  • en

    Margit Waas


    Stayed for 4 nights at this very reasonably priced 3-star hotel last week in the historic centre within easy walking distance of everything (museums, shopping, sightseeing, border crossing, ...). A much varied breakfast buffet starts at 6:30am (closes 10am), rooms are truly spacious for this category, staff are super friendly & helpful. Book early, as hotel was fully occupied on arrival (& during our stay) in March. As a much seasoned traveller, I can attest that this hotel is closer to a 4-star.

  • Christine Muller

    Christine Muller


    The rooms have never been vacuumed you do not get a cover for your duvet. The foyer stinks and the service is terrible. Never seen such rudeness in my life.

  • Adham Hakim

    Adham Hakim


    Not impressive, overpriced for the services, rooms are too small & old, no water or even coffee at the rooms, good location. Otherwise; might not stay at it again.

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