Delphi Hotel i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernDelphi Hotel



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Kostaki Pantelidi 24, Nicosia 1010, Chipre
kontakter telefon: +357 22 665211
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.170787, Longitude: 33.359404

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tan Cid


    The best staff you can ever find in a hotel the owners and the staff is very friendly and helpfull I stayed here around two weeks and nothing to complain about rooms is very good everything here is great thanks for everything T.Chidan

  • en

    Niki Constantinou


    Good location for public transport, coffee shops, and near shopping area. Clean and basic. With TV. Excellent price for the location.. Helpful receptionist. Would stay there again.

  • en

    גל שיין


    Serves its function (עברית בהמשך)– small hotel right above the central bus station. Our room was comfortable and clean. Price was very reasonable. Excellent location practically for any purpose of visit in Nicosia – except maybe if you have a car and need to park. The never ending works in the newly constructed public area in the moat of the Old City walls (on top of which this hotel practically stands) cause some noise starting in the early morning so until they finish… ask for a room not facing south if you are a light sleeper. We paid about 35 EU per night so for this cost I think we definitely got what we needed. מלון קטן למדי ממש ליד התחנה המרכזית של האוטובוסים (עירוניים ובין עירוניים אבל לא השאטל לשדות התעופה!). מאוד יעיל לצורך כל סוג של ביקור וסיור – פרט לאם יש לך רכב (אין חניה). דקה הליכה ממדרחוב לדרה וגם מהרחוב הראשי של העיר החדשה. עד כמה שלניקוסיה יש קסם... הוא מורגש בסביבה הזו. החדר היה די גדול ונקי בהחלט. תמורה מלאה למחיר.

  • Yana Moroz

    Yana Moroz


    The place is affordable and has a really great location but that's all. I was on the last floor (too many stairs, no elevator), the beds were too old, the floor not very clean. The blankets didn't seem very clean. People at the reception were very kind though.

  • Mark Francisko

    Mark Francisko


    Cheap and cheerful. Great value for money.

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