Wok in a Box i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernWok in a Box



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5 A, Nikis, 1086, Nicosia, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 495577
internet side: facebook.com
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Latitude: 35.1603716, Longitude: 33.3583475

kommentar 5

  • Jenny Schauroth

    Jenny Schauroth


    Super rude owner and very overpriced! She made us feel bad for walking into her shop. We paid 17€ for two portions of noodles, where you had to search for the broccoli and tofu. Don't recommend at all.

  • Ana Cha

    Ana Cha


    I order regularly from here hoping it will get better, but the food isn't only super expensive for what the food is but the amount they put can't even feed a five year old. I ordered a poke ball with two portions of salmon and they put wayy too little, there is no way that that was two portions. They just drown everything in sauce... really dissappointed..

  • Spacemanation



    Not only expensive but both of us had stomach pain all day.

  • Miguel Caneda

    Miguel Caneda


    It is the fast food asiátic cusine version, if you like this kind of food avoid this option.

  • Metaxenia Wolf

    Metaxenia Wolf


    The worse Thing I have eaten in my entire life. Did not expect there are places like that in Cyprus. Even my 6 years old daughter would cook better, at least the ingredients she would use, would be fresh. The chicken was old, the beef was like a dog food. It was totally not eatable. The order was later more than an hour and on top of all we got sick. To conclude with, the place is not only NOT recommended but should be reviewed by the food & consumers services. Disgusting !!!

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