Ocean Basket i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernOcean Basket


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Menandrou, Nicosia, CY Chipre
kontakter telefon: +357 22 673777
internet side: www.oceanbasket.com
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Latitude: 35.1663259, Longitude: 33.3576668

kommentar 5

  • Maxim Matveyko

    Maxim Matveyko


    Fresh fish, descent sushi. Lovely plates to share with all kinds of grilled fish and seafood. Good service and medium price point.

  • Linos Loizou

    Linos Loizou


    Very nice and pleasant place. Fish is good sushi is even better. Decent prices. Reservations mandatory.

  • Nicolas Koukoullis

    Nicolas Koukoullis


    Greasy food, fried in plenty of garlic and butter. The fish is probably frozen. For the price the quality is decent but nothing special.

  • Ioana Herciu

    Ioana Herciu


    Excellent food! Best sea food I have ever eat. It is very busy restaurant, always full. Ask for a reservation before you go.

  • Marinos H

    Marinos H


    “Food never arrived!” After waiting for an hour the food never arrived so we just got up and left. When we asked before they said they were busy that's why there was a delay, which they should have warned us about. It was a Saturday late afternoon so I've seen busier times.

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