Wok in a Box i Lakadamya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernWok in a Box



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Archiepiskopou Makariou 144 Lakatameia Nicosia CY 2311, Lakadamya, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 377444
internet side: facebook.com
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Latitude: 35.1154642, Longitude: 33.3097526

kommentar 5

  • spyros irakleous

    spyros irakleous


    I order jasmine rice with egg and broccoli and black bean sauce , and i get jasmine rice with 3 little pieces of broccoli and no black bean sauce

  • Panayiotis Savva

    Panayiotis Savva


    Beef was very bad quality i fount pieces of beef who was like gum and bones the coconut curry sause had no taste, the vegetables were like boiled in the water with no seasoning, in the description describes the sause like (HOT) was not!!!!

  • Richard Saad

    Richard Saad


    Received my bowl of food with a large and sharp piece of glass. Immediately called the store and spoke to the representative who didn’t not care at all . I further requested the manager who was even more careless. Did not ask to see the food , did not ask about my health , did not issue a refund , did not apologize. All he did was deny the fact the I found a piece of glass in my food .

  • Irene Kolokasi

    Irene Kolokasi


    Food is just so delicious and actually cooked perfectly by the Chefs! The ready dishes available like the Taco Sushi is to die for (i've been thinking about getting it again non stop but its the end of the month and im broke). Drivers have always been nice and cheerful and actually left the order at my door when i requested, well, for my order to be left at the door. Food was never late. Literally waiting for payday to order again. 10/10 would recomend.

  • Marios Chatzipavlis

    Marios Chatzipavlis


    Nice tasty noodles with a big variety and lot of combinations. The concept of the restaurant is for take away or delivery so try to avoid eating directly there cause the place is too small and sometimes crowded. Reasonable prices !!!

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