The Shopkeeper & Co i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernThe Shopkeeper & Co



🕗 åbningstider

92, Gladstonos, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 811146
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6811769, Longitude: 33.0454476

kommentar 5

  • Gabby “LaMorosa”

    Gabby “LaMorosa”


    Nice food, nice local space. Mix of Mediterranean and international taste. Outdoor area too close to busy road, too noisy, better late in the evening. Inside, there is a nice concept theme, with local tea, coffees, spices, books for sale. It is a quite interesting place. I had the avocado-salmon waffle with fresh orange juice. That was round 17E. Quit pricey for the value-portio ratio. 4* overall score from me. Keep up the good job.

  • Stasia Smirnova

    Stasia Smirnova


    Nice place with tasty food and really good coffee. I’ve tried tuna melt sandwich and pasta salad. Portions are great. There is a long table inside, surrounded by bookshelves where you can probably spend some time with your laptop. Some cons: noisy outside due to a very busy road. Flies can be very annoying :( Despite this i recommend to visit, maybe better in the evening. Lots of stylish locals :)

  • Natasha Solnechnaya

    Natasha Solnechnaya


    Very stylish and modern place, I like it! 👍 But it's not enough space for too many people who want to be there 🌿

  • Yarden Stark

    Yarden Stark


    Love this place. Good coffee and awesome food! Love the books and of course the Aēsop products

  • Christina Stavrides

    Christina Stavrides


    Wonderful interior with great service. Portions are quite small and pricey... but the dessert and drinks are good.

nærmeste Cafe

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