Narghile Lounge Bar i İncirli

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernNarghile Lounge Bar



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Στασίνου, İncirli, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 681686
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Latitude: 35.1619026, Longitude: 33.3448439

kommentar 5

  • Michalakis Savva

    Michalakis Savva


    great shisha !! food much better than expected even the vegan friend was satisfied with the falafels 🥶🥶🤣🤣

  • Angeliki Vasileiadou

    Angeliki Vasileiadou


    Shisha too heavy and price to quality value not the best

  • Kevin [Alkis] Kasparides

    Kevin [Alkis] Kasparides


    Amazing cafe, excellent service, very friendly staff.

  • Mikka Luster

    Mikka Luster


    We like the place. Food is better taken from somewhere else, but it's just the right place for a nice sitdown with a shisha or not, drinking a bit, and relaxing. Especially the fact that music isn't turned to 11 but complimentary to the place is a massive plus.

  • Vic kiteos

    Vic kiteos


    A chilling and relaxing place to enjoy your coffee with shisha at any time of the day and any season of the year. Spacious place to study or relax depending on your needs. No wheelchair access to the cafe. A lot of parking space at the front, back and side of the place.

nærmeste Cafe

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