Lambouri Winery i Platres, Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernLambouri Winery



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Ag. Demetrius Str. 24A, PO B 59016, Platres, Limassol 4825, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 422525
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Latitude: 34.8762262, Longitude: 32.8371888

kommentar 5

  • Deliky T

    Deliky T


    Lovely tasting. Tasty wine, good entertainment from Dragos. Make sure you have your cash or CC with you as wine is delicious.

  • Piotr Skrzypiński

    Piotr Skrzypiński


    Free tour, on which you can taste 3 wines, milky alcohol and olive oil. It was a great experience that we’ve finalised with our preferred wine of the whole trip. Great shop, prices are decent.

  • Katrina C

    Katrina C


    Really had a great time! The wines are good as well as the nutcracker shot which was AMAZING ❤️ Dragos was also awesome in presenting the different wines in an informative and funny way. Will definitely recommend this to my friends!

  • Meera “miimii” Patel

    Meera “miimii” Patel


    This was our first stop on a wine tour with Cyprus Taste Tours. The wines are delicious, and we learned alot about the grape varieties, Zivania and Commanderia. The team here were friendly and didn't rush us.

  • Irina Chaichits

    Irina Chaichits


    We were there 2 times. 1.5 year ago and this summer 2021. Well service both time was so different. First time we tried wines and amazing girl told us interesting stories of each wine, she was interested in giving a good service. As well wines in our glasses were enough to taste. At the end we bought several bottles of different wines. Second time at the end of summer 2021 we decided to visit it again. This time a young man was serving us. Stories of wine were short and without any emotion. Wine in the glasses- hardly covering the bottom. I was not filling relaxed. We were disappointed this time. So yes, good service makes big different.

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