Europa Plaza Hotel i Lefkoşa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernEuropa Plaza Hotel



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13 Alkeou Street, Lefkoşa 1311, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 692692
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.16306, Longitude: 33.346537

kommentar 5

  • en

    Combinatii Den


    Nice room and good services!

  • en

    Stela Ivancheva


    Rooms are OK, breakfast could be better.

  • en

    Vaios Rizos


    Exquisite option and very nice hotel in Nicosia.Gentle and helpful personnel.Very clean environment and very nice room.Highly recommended.

  • michalisgregoriou



    I didn't stay for a night here but I came many times for business​ meetings or seminars. I enjoy every time there.

  • Chinemelu Elonu

    Chinemelu Elonu


    This is an nice hotel, it is true that it is a bit outdated but if you need the bare essentials you will be ok. Plus it seems to be in a very good location in terms of getting to many places. The beds were comfortable, the tv is very tiny like smaller than most computer monitors. My only true complaint is that when you turn the AC on you can't put it on automatic or adjust the temperature, it continues to pump super cold air the whole time. The maids do a good job cleaning up and the staff downstairs at the desk are nice.

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