Nicosia Central Park Residences i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernNicosia Central Park Residences


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25A, Evagorou, 1066, Nicosia, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 330500
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1675668, Longitude: 33.3570596

kommentar 5

  • Michael Arvanitis

    Michael Arvanitis


    A new high rise tower in the center of Nicosia that offers serviced apartments. Excellent for short stays and very centrally located in the heart of Nicosia. A good value for money if you rent as a family and not as a single person since prices are on the high end. Offers parking and some limited concierge services.

  • khaled samman

    khaled samman


    We booked for 400 for two nights , and to be honest the room isn’t that bad , yet didn’t meet my expectation I just checked the room and I asked them to refund me because i didn’t want to stay , manager goes up to me on the phone if you want to go anywhere else we will not stop you , but we will not refund you because we are not hotel we are Appartment. I don’t recommend because they lack professionalism too much

  • Leonie Le Borgne

    Leonie Le Borgne


    Absolutely beautiful apartment, totally worth it for 3 of us exploring Nicosia and having a luxurious base from which to do this. It's high spec, modern, brand new, located centrally, and the spa is relaxing. We had a very good stay, would recommend.

  • Avey Gabrielli

    Avey Gabrielli


    Luxurious accommodation for short and long term. Good location. Note that the building is still under construction. Avoid the lower floors as there's a night club next door

  • George Joannou

    George Joannou


    I could easily say that Central Park Residence-Hotel in Nicosia Cyprus is a 4 star establishment. Nothing was spared to make this residential holiday apartments comfortable and eye appealing. I would highly recommend your stay there without any hesitation.

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