Cleopatra Hotel i Nicosia

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CypernCleopatra Hotel



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8, Florinis, 1065, Nicosia, CY Cypern
kontakter telefon: +357 22 844000
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1650671, Longitude: 33.3585292

kommentar 5

  • Dimitris Pouliezos

    Dimitris Pouliezos


    Σε καλη περιοχη πολυ κοντα στο κεντρο!

  • Katarzyna Krajewska

    Katarzyna Krajewska


    Miło, sympatycznie, śniadanie świeże, jajecznica z jajek, nie z proszku :) smacznie, obsluga uprzejma.

  • Chris Baker

    Chris Baker


    It's not a bad hotel, but it's definitely not the 4 stars that it claims. The location is good, central with easy access to all parts of town. Decent restaurants a short walk away too. The underground parking is small, only about six spaces, although I was always lucky enough to get one. Hotel lobby is nice and gives a good initial impression. Front desk is friendly, although they initially checked me into a room which was still being used which was worrying. Quickly resolved. The rooms are clean, bathroom is nice, but some furniture is a little worn or scuffed. The headboards in particular are worn and need replacing. It's these little things which keep this place from being 4 star. The pool area is nice although it's a small pool. Breakfast was average but did the job. Probably wouldn't stay here again, but it's alright if you need a central location for a couple of days. Just take note that it's more a 3 star place, and barely that in some aspects.

  • shuki klein

    shuki klein


    מיקום מרכזי קרוב למדרחוב בעיר העתיקה , ארוחת בוקר טובה ומספקת, שרות ידידותי ברכה גדולה . חדר גדול עם כל האביזרים.המזרון לא משהו.סהכ התמורה מול המחיר ממעולה

  • en

    mihai mihai


    Everything is old and smelly. Maybe the location and the swimming pool are the positive points. Breakfast is acceptable but every day absolutely the same. I have a very nice ants collection in my room, around 170. They really make me feel like a guest. Towels are old. Waiters are almost beginning for tips, very unprofessional

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